Friday, June 3, 2011

My Four Blog Posts

Blog Post #12: The Hangover and Grazian's article
Blog Post # 1: Are Males Made or Born
Blog Post #11: Dialog
Blog Post #8: Williams reading

Course Reflections

1). The one assignment that was fun to do was watching The Hangover, then had to talk about the bromance bond and relate it to Grazian's article. This was fun for me because the film was hilarious and the work was easy. From doing this assignment I learned that men could have this bromance bond and still be masculine.

2). There weren't any assignments that I didn't care for, but there were times I felt like giving up and not completing them.

3). Overall I do think Blogger was a useful tool to this class because, it helped me keep my work organized because it's all done on the computer. It also gave me a chnace to learn about the website.

4). We pretty much covered all topics on masculinity pretty well. I would have liked to touch more on the bromance topic.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

blog post #12

People think that when maen have a bromance they can't be masculine as well. The movie The Hangover proves this wrong and shows a good example of bromance. The four friends had a really good bond between them. When they lost their friend they focused on getting him back and tried to keep themselves together. I think a man can still be masculine and still keep their bromance relationship. Their not like girls that are judgmental of everything, they just fool around and have fun. In the movie we see the guys prepare for their night out in Vegas by pregaming as Grazian calls. They had some alcohol to get ready for their night out that they didn't remember. As Grazian said in his article "Pregaming consists of drinking with your "boys" so that you don't have to purchase as many drinks while you are out to feel the desired buzz" (326). This gives the that alcohol courage. Guys do different things in their bromance than girls do with their friendship. They just want to have fun and enjoy a night out, having a bromance doesn't mean you can't still be masculine. It's not like they sit around and talk about other guys like girls do, they still do manly things.

Grazian, David. "The Girl Hunt: Urban Nightlife and the Performance of Masculinity as Collective Activity." Men's Lives. 8th ed.Ed. Michael S. Kimmel and Michael A. Messner. NYC: Allyn & Bacon, 2010, 320-337.print.

The Hangover. Dir. Todd Phillips. Jon Lucas, Bradley Cooper. 5 June 2009. Warner Bros. Productions, 2009. DVD.